This paper reports on two novel concepts of area-efficient ultra-wideband microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) reconfigurable coupled line directional couplers, whose coupling is tuned by mechanically changing the geometry of 3-D micromachined coupled transmission lines, utilizing integrated MEMS electrostatic actuators. Concept 1 is based on symmetrically changing the geometry of the ground coupling of each signal line, while Concept 2 is simultaneously varying both the ground coupling and the coupling between the two signal lines. This enables uniform and well predictable performance over a very large frequency range, in particular a constant coupling ratio while maintaining an excellent impedance match, along with high isolation and a very high directivity. For an implemented micromachined prototype 3-6-dB coupler based on Concept 1, the measured isolation is better than 16 dB, and the return loss and directivity are better than 10 dB over the entire bandwidth from 10 to 18 GHz. Concept 2 presents an even more significant improvement. For an implemented 10-20-dB prototype based on Concept 2, the measured isolation is better than 40 dB and the return loss is better than 15 dB over the entire bandwidth from 10 to 18 GHz for both states. The directivities for both states are better than 22 and 40 dB, respectively, over the whole frequency range. The measured data fits the simulation very well, except for higher through-port losses of the prototype devices. All devices have been implemented in a silicon-on-insulator RF MEMS fabrication process. Measured actuation voltages of the different actuators are lower than 35 V. Reliability tests were conducted up to 500 million cycles without device degradation.