problems in the context of the wetland environment", Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
2021 … The students’ ability in mathematical literacy for the quantity, and the change and
relationship problems on the PISA adaptation test", Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
2017 … The students’ ability in the mathematical literacy for uncertainty problems on the
PISA adaptation test", AIP Publishing, 2017 …
This article aims to investigate how mathematics education students in Universitas Ahmad
Dahlan solve PISA mathematics problems. This research used the descriptive method with
the qualitative approach and supported with quantitative data. Research subjects were 20
new students of mathematics education at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in the 2016/2017
academic year. We translated the 2012 PISA instrument and used it to collect data on
students' mathematical literacy skills and to identify their difficulties. All the data were …