His comment highlights an interesting and important feature of the histoty of the Huguenots, that Scots and Huguenots do have much in common. It is one of the great ironies of history that both groups were given the opportunity so adequately to express their opposition to the principles of Catholic absolutism pursued by Louis XIV of France, and followed by Great Britain's James n. The interaction between Scots and Huguenots in the'Glorious Revolution'of 1688 highlights the genuine affinity between the two groups. The events of 1688 also prove that historical coincidences could, with equal irony and some accident, re-invigorate the links between these two proud, independent, and sober peoples.
This paper highlights three areas of Scottish-Huguenot connection: theology, society, and military service. Each of these important spheres of early-modern life was significantly affected by the intellect and ability of Calvinist Scots and Frenchmen, and each field of endeavour acted as a catalyst for the exploration of tnutual beliefs and experiences for the members of both groups. By far the most significant military connection between Scots and Huguenots occurred in the Netherlands on the eve of the'Glorious Revolution'. In that year many regiments of the Dutch Republic and its allies contained both French refugees and Scots. For example, two of the four Hanoverian regiments attached to the Dutch Army v.. rere commanded by Huguenots, and many more regiments in Dutch service contained Huguenots. 2 Significantly, Colonel de La Motte's regiment was entirely French, save for its Scottish major. 3 The toppling of] ames 11 from his throne in 1688, was just one of a number of events which occurred within the wider context of the Wars of the Northern Alliance. To facilitate his invasion of Britain, WilliamappointedMarshal Schomberg as his second-in-command. However, four Huguenot regiments were not organized and equipped