The objectives of this research were to determine if CM-334 pepper plants resistant to Phytophthora capsici and infected with Nacobbus aberrans, respond hypersensitively (HR) to foliar inoculations with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tagetis or P. capsici; and to compare the contents of capsidiol in these interactions. The infection of CM-334 by N. aberrans did not inhibit the HR in the plant foliage, but it caused a delay in its expression. In the absence of the nematode, the onset of the response was observed at 5 hr and the typical HR was expressed at 7 hr after the bacterial inoculation, while in the presence of nematode by this time there was incipient chlorosis. Even though the nematode delayed the expression of the plant defense, such a delay was not sufficient to allow infection by P. capsici in the foliage. In the presence of N. aberrans, the accumulation of capsidiol in leaves infiltrated with P. capsici or the bacteria was reduced by 23 and 63%, respectively, at 3 days after foliar infiltration.