This paper presents the results of the Competition on Document Image Analysis Tasks for Southeast Asian Palm Leaf Manuscripts that was organized in the context of the 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR-2018). For this competition, three different corpus of palm leaf manuscripts written in three different scripts and languages (Balinese, Sundanese and Khmer) are used. Four Document Image Analysis (DIA) tasks are proposed as the challenges in this competition: binarization, text line segmentation, solated character/glyph recognition, and word transliteration. The results of this competition will be very useful in benchmarking analysis for the collection of palm leaf manuscripts, accelerating, evaluating and improving the performance of existing DIA system for a new type of document collection. This paper describes the competition details including the dataset, the evaluation measures used, a short description of each participant as well as the performance of the all submitted methods