The purpose of this study is to investigate pre-school teachers’ training needs according to the actual early childhood curriculum. Using the questionnaire, we draw the recent theory and research of the preschool curriculum that outlines the main teacher`s role on personal professional training. This tool should analise the educators six professional competences - three transversal competences according to the European Qualifications Framework descriptors and minimal performance standards for competences evaluation and RNCIS grid as well. We use the questionnaire to investigate the role of acquiring and developing transversal competences of the educator’s profile process who teach in early childhood stage. This will get statistic results regarding their initial and professional training and also of the proces of their self-evaluating performance and the need of improving competences. Teacher`s professional development represents as far as the teaching career the context of Romanian sistem education, legislation and pedagogical science theory and school practice. Professional initial and continue teachers training process always had continuity elements of changing world of teaching and remained open-ended and competency based.
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