Recent days’ technological development, have posed considerable pressure on our students effort to learning. How adolescents progress with their school subjects depend on their life goals and motivation. Goal orientation is one’s goal preference in achievement setting. A mastery goal orientation reflects a focus on the development of knowledge, skill, and competence relative to one’s own previous performance and is thus self-referential. Performance goals concern a striving for demonstrating competence by trying to outperform peers on academic tasks. Parents are one of the important forces behind every one’s learning and motivation. Since we spend much of our time in family, exploring family environment’s relationship with goal orientation becomes important need of this hour. This study adopted survey method to collect data from 610 ninth standard matriculation school students of Madurai city.‘t’-test, product moment correlation, and multiple regression were attempted for statistical analysis. Students of college educated parents, urban students and female students have better goal orientation. Learning orientation has significant relationship with all dimension of family environment. Cohesion and active recreational orientation in the family have a significant influence on adolescent’s learning orientation and also it is found that, family cohesion have a significant influence on students’ performance approach orientation.