The purpose of the study was to identify the socio-economic factors which affect the student achievements at secondary level. By using a primary data study examined the impact of various demographic, household, social and economic variables on student performance. By applying the logit and Ordinary Least Square it was determined that The social indicators such as education of mother, occupation of mother, environment of the residing area and type of house have significant positive impact on students’ marks achievement in their exams. The demographic variables like; distance to school from a household, type of house and communication facilities have significant positive impact on the students’ achievement of good marks in their exams. The finding also reveals that the economic variables such as income of the father, income of the mother, expenditure of household on food items, type or quality of houses and other facilities like gas and electricity have significant positive impact on the marks achieved by the students. Through this study it was found that parental socio-economic status greatly affects the performance of the students at secondary level.