The Trust in Home: Rethinking Interface Design in IoT (THRIDI) project initiated a community discussion and collaboration among a multidisciplinary group of experts and early-career researchers in a series of design workshops. The THRIDI workshops have been designed based on the Human-Data Interaction (HDI) framework. The workshops use several methods ranging from card sorting to scenario analysis, to elicit discussion of privacy perceptions in smart home settings and the current barriers to achieving more trustable interactions with IoT devices. We demonstrate how creative workshops are useful in enabling critical reflection and knowledge exchange in a multidisciplinary context providing a useful bridge between radically different disciplines. The workshops brought together diverse viewpoints, and participants often emphasised the need for meaningful engagement with under-represented and marginalised stakeholders across the entire technology design, development, and deployment processes. This chapter reports on the findings related to inclusivity that have arisen from discussions on health-related technologies in smart homes.