Technical re-equipment in construction industry tends toward the wide use of cellular concrete. The formulation and advantages of these materials were analyzed. The technological difficulties in their manufacture were mentioned. The most difficult problem is to ensure uniformity by quickly mixing the aerated concrete mixtures of components that differ in composition and mass fraction before the start of active gas formation, gas retention, and especially solidification. These difficulties can be eliminated by using the new technique of vibrojet mixing of both Bingham and Newtonian media. Forced high-frequency vibration actually increases the thixotropy of the mixture regardless of the number of components and their mass and physicomechanical properties. At the same time, monitoring the vibration parameters increases the circulation and interaction of the generated submerged jet flows. Rheological models were developed to determine the technical characteristics of the mixer vibrodrive and the process parameters. Supercomputer modeling of various scenarios of vibrojet mixing in the FlowVision program allowed visualization and optimization of modes to completely exclude stagnant zones in the mixer. In a full-scale experiment, test samples were prepared from the aerated concrete mixtures obtained by centrifuging and vibromixing. Their growth and strength characteristics were compared in accordance with GOST (State Standard) 10180-2012. The results showed that the new method for the preparation of mixtures and products from aerated concrete is highly effective.