One manifestation of learning Indonesian is Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA). BIPA learning is an embodiment of efforts to improve the function of Indonesian into an international language. This paper examines the importance of the existence of Indonesian-Thai cultural parity and its contribution in BIPA learning both in Indonesia and in Thailand. This type of research is qualitative with ethnographic strategies. The data analysis technique used was qualitative and quantitative. The results of the study showed that there are many similarities/parities in Indonesian and Thai culture that are apparently close to daily life, such as culture of greeting, dressing, food, traditional arts, and others. The large number of parities makes it easy for BIPA students to understand and imagine the concrete forms of Indonesian language and culture and their application in daily life. The conclusions of the results of this study are the closeness of cultural groups between Indonesia and Thailand to be an alternative door for learning and the spread of Indonesian in Thailand more broadly.