common counterbody 5 by calibrated axial force Pax and set in motion with constant speed ωro. The turning of the rotors is accompanied by translational trans verse motion over the conical surface of counterbody 5 and rotary vibration of the centers of gravity of the rotor plates relative to their symmetry axes. The oscil lation frequency ω and amplitudes ρ1 and ρ2 of the centers of gravity of rotors 4 and 4'are controlled in accordance with the relations where subscripts i= 1, 2 refer to rotors 4 and 4', respectively; l is the rotor length; m is the rotor mass; Di is the diameter of the rotor plate at contact with the counterbody; ϕ is the plate angle; j is the rotor’s flex ural rigidity.
Since the rotors are elastically related through a common counterbody—the crushing cone 1, which may have two degrees of mobility in the plane perpen dicular to the rotors’ primary axes of inertia—the speeds ω of their centers of gravity are forced into syn chronization. By changing the plate diameters D1 and D2 of rotors 4 and 4'and their directions of rotation, we may regulate the oscillatory trajectory of crushing cone 1, thereby creating circular, elliptical, and linear oscillations [4].