An experiment was conducted on “Influence of Organic Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer on Soil Health, Growth and Yield of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) var. Gomati.” during kharif season 2022-23 at the research farm Department of soil science and agricultural chemistry, NAINI, SHUATS, Prayagraj. The design applied was RBD having three levels of poultry-manure @ 0%,50 % 100% h-1 and NPK @ 0, 50and 100%. The variety of cowpea Gomati was taken for research trial. The soil pore space, water holding capacity, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were recorded maximum in T9 [NPK @ 100% + poultry manure @ 100% ha-1] respectively. In post soil samples of fertilizer observations were resulted in significant increase in depth 0-15 cm. In treatment T9 the highest pod yield of cowpea 71.58 q ha-1 was obtained. Use of T9 [NPK @ 100% + poultry manure @ 100% ha-1] on crop and analysing the effect of T9 treatment on soil physical as well as chemical properties of soil. It was also revealed that the application with organic manures was excellent source for fertilization than fertilizers for nutrients supply.