Research background: Innovative approaches to financing innovative projects are a very important part of innovation and project management in the current global environment, given the rapid pace of the market. The article submitted consists of four parts. The first part deals with the issue of project financing as well as innovative approaches to project financing. The second part describes them as current forms of financing in the form of individual forms of financing for innovative projects, but also as a combined form of financing for innovative projects with classic forms of internal and external financial resources. The third part of the article consists of an analysis of market developments, the volume of countries using innovative forms of crowdfunding project financing. Part three also includes a discussion. The fourth part deals with conclusions on the subject.Purpose of the article: To describe innovative forms of project funding in a global innovation environment through entrepreneurial angels and crowdfunding. One of the objectives of the present article is to analyses the global development of the market, the volume of countries using innovative forms of project financing through crowdfunding.Methods: In the processing of the present paper, a descriptive method, analysis, mathematical and statistical methods, graphic methods, comparison and synthesis were used.Findings & Value added: Will provide an overview of the global market for crowdfunding. It includes financing models such as P2P consumer credit and P2P business loans, real estate crowdfunding, invoice trading, balance sheet loans, etc.