The stronger motional coupling between monovalent counterions neutralizing homogeneously like-charged surfaces induced by an increase in charge density is known to foster inter–surface attraction. Compared to a uniformly distributed charge, point-like charges generate locally more intense fields, so that the correlation induced between counterions may be even stronger despite an identical total charge. It should thus be possible to induce surface attraction at lower charge densities than commonly expected.
Monte Carlo simulations on primitive electrolyte models have been exploited to compute potential of mean force profiles and mobile ion densities for systems composed of two parallel surfaces bearing surface-tethered monovalent like-charged pendants as a function of the surface distance and pendant densities.
Surfaces bearing like-charged pendants are found to attract each other over a wide range of distances despite the presence of very low charge densities. Notwithstanding the attractive contribution to the inter-surface forces provided by electrostatic interactions, the entropic component of the system Helmholtz energy is found to play the key role in defining the overall magnitude. The latter finding appears justified by an increase in the relative delocalization of counterions upon decreasing the surface distance.