Is the concept of intersectionality constructive? In relation to what, who, and where will it be constructive? Does the concept demand a research focus upon certain minoritized groups or is it possible to use the concept in analysing both minoritized and majoritized groups? Is the concept an answer to a longing for complexity or is it rather a way to reduce subjectification into mechanistic and rather inflexible structures? How are phenomena such as ‘corporate masculinity’and ‘coaching leadership’related to the further work on the concept? The article discusses such questions through theoretical reflections on power, metaphors and agency and through empirical material from the research project Diversity, Gender and Top Management and it offers a retooled conceptualisation of intersectionality as a transgressive methodology on messy spaces of becoming. The article reflects how such conceptualization of intersectionality is constrained by the discipline of social psychology and it discusses the troubles connected with the reworking of concepts.