In principle, a video codec is built by implementing various algorithms and their development. The next generation of codecs involves more artificial intelligence applications and their development. DCNN (Deep Convolutional Neural Network) is a multi-layer NN concept with a deep learning approach in the field of artificial intelligence development. This study has proposed a DCNN with three hidden layers for intra-frame-based video compression. DCT and fractal methods were used to compare the performance of the proposed method. Â The training image (obtained from the average of all down-sampled frames) is divided into several square blocks using the square block shift operation until all parts of the image are fulfilled. All pixels in each block act as input data patterns. After the training process, the trained proposed DCNN was then used to construct the feature and sub-feature image obtained through the max function operation in the feature bank and sub-feature bank. These feature and sub-feature images were then a spatial redundancy minimizer with specific manipulation techniques and simultaneously a quantizer without converting the frame's pixels to a bit-stream. The result of this process is a compressed image. Experiments on the entire dataset resulted in AAPR (Average Approximate Performance Ratio) of 147.71%, or an average of 1.5 times better than other methods. For further studies, the performance improvement of the proposed DCNN is performed by modifying its structure so that the output is direct in the form of feature and sub-feature images. Another way is to combine it with the DCT or fractal method to improve the performance of the result.