This book consists of six parts and 12 chapters. The table of contents follows the pattern of conventional economics textbooks. Part I starts by addressing classical question: What is economics? Followed by definition of subject matter, basic problems of economics and Economic System. Part II contains analytical tools of demand and supply, and elasticity. Part III discusses consumer and producer behavior; cost of production analysis in using short and long run cost curves. Part IV concentrates on pricing of the product based on market structures of perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly. Part V explains pricing the factors of production or equitable income distribution. Finally, part VI deals with the challenge ahead, concerning market, environment, and sustainability of economic development.
The ways of explanation and approach are based on conventional theory with insertion of Islamic values based on choose and pick in some of the principles of microeconomic theory. For example, in chapter 1, the author explains that conventionally human wants are unlimited and resources are limited then relatively is an attribute of scarcity. However, in Islam Almighty Allah has stocked the resources in earth and heavens available in unlimited quantity. The limitation of resources in Islam is knowledge to explore the resources, method of obtaining them, and their uses including improper use of resources–extravagance and wastage. When the resources are scarce, the choice must be based on priority and obligatory good and services. The Islamic view point is to produce enough goods and services to meet the basic needs of people. The choice of the goods and services needs to include the value