Recently, the seismic and resistivity methods are used for determination of physical properties of rocks with depth since the methods are economical and practical in comparison with other field-testing methods. The study area has different travertine, which has different litho-type, in terms of their color and mechanical properties. The purpose of this study is to investigate the physical properties of the travertine in the field by using geophysical methods including resistivity and seismic. In order to achieve the goal, resistivity and seismic measurement were performed along the profile, which is chosen according the representative site in the area where is Kaklık district in Denizli. After geophysical measurement in the field, samples were collected and physical properties of the travertine was also tested in the laboratory. As a result of study, it is concluded that seismic and resitivity methods could be used for investigating the quality and physical properties of the travertine and in comparison with other field testing, these two methods are more practical and economical for engineered projects.