Brewers’ wort should undergo optimized fermentation in order to obtain high-quality beer that meets the specification requirements. This paper presents the impact of increasing the share of unmalted barley and spelled, which are used as adjuncts (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%), and the effect of the mineral content of water on the wort concentration of metal ions (calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese). Worts made with a combination of deionized water and barley substitute (mainly in 5% and 25% proportions) were characterized by a higher concentration of the ions than those produced with malted barley, or technological water, or spelled.
The concentrations of manganese ions in wort prepared with spelt were significantly lower. A change in the recipe with the addition of unmalted raw material, including spelt, did not affect the concentration of magnesium ions. Regardless of the type and proportion of raw material used, the concentrations of magnesium and zinc ions were relatively low in the wort.