A field experiment was conducted to study the impact of three different water qualities on maize biological yield, soil properties and CO2 emissions from cropped soil. The experiment was laid out at Agronomic Research Farm, University of Agriculture Faisalabad under Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Soil sample was collected at different depths for pH, EC, N, P, K and organic matter to observe the impact of different water qualities on soil and crop yield. Three different water qualities were applied for irrigation under conventional irrigation system of Pakistan. Three treatments as canal water (EC= 0.25 dS m-1), wastewater (EC= 3.07 dS m-1) and treated wastewater (EC= 2.88 dS m-1) were studied with three replications. Data regarding water qualities impact on soil, corn growth and chemical analysis of canal water, wastewater and treated wastewater along with measurement of CO2 emissions were recorded by using standard procedures. The data was statistically analyzed by applying Fisher’s analysis of variances technique. The results showed that wastewater irrigation significantly increased crop yield and growth as compared to two other water qualities. Wastewater irrigation also significantly enhanced the soil organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that are essential for good plant growth and proved good for soil as well. The results of the study also showed that wastewater irrigation application significantly increased the CO2 emission with weekly increments and contributes towards global warming which ultimately affect the climate and cause climate change. Objective of research was to observe the impact of different water qualities on crop growth, soil, environment and CO2 emission under conventional irrigation systems of Pakistan.