Silicon photonics has become a promising candidate for future networks-on-chip (NoCs) as it can enable high bandwidth density and lower latency with traversal of data at the speed of light. But the operation of photonic NoCs (PNoCs) is very sensitive to temperature variations that frequently occur on a chip. These variations can create significant reliability issues for PNoCs. For example, microring resonators (MRRs) which are the building blocks of PNoCs, may resonate at another wavelength instead of their designated wavelength due to thermal variations, which can lead to bandwidth wastage and data corruption in PNoCs. This paper proposes a novel run-time framework to overcome temperature-induced issues in PNoCs. The framework consists of (i) a PID controlled heater mechanism to nullify the thermal gradient across PNoCs, (ii) a device-level thermal island framework to distribute MRRs across regions of temperatures; and (iii) a system-level proactive thread migration technique to avoid on-chip thermal threshold violations and to reduce MRR tuning/trimming power by migrating threads between cores. Our experimental results with 64-core Corona and Flexishare PNoCs indicate that the proposed approach reliably satisfies on-chip thermal thresholds and maintains high network bandwidth while reducing total power by up to 64.1%.