An isolate of potato virus Y (PVY) was obtained from naturally infected potato plants, showing mosaic, yellowing and vein necrosis symptoms, grown in Al Nubaria region, El Behaira governorate. The identification was based on the symptoms developed on diagnostic hosts and serological reactions with antisera to PVY, AMV and PLRV. PVY isolate was transmitted by Aphis faba and aphis nerii in non-persistent manner. The virus was purified by PEG and high speed centrifugation. The purified virus had an ultraviolet absorption spectrum typical of a nucleoprotein with A260/280 and A280/260 being 1.78 and 0.55 respectively. Yield of purified virus was 4.8 mg/100g infected leaf tissues. Specific antiserum was prepared and found to have a titer of 1: 32,000 as determined by indirect ELISA. Electron microscopy of purified preparation showed flexuous filaments particles with model length of 730 nm.