The research aimed to uncover the effect of JiRQA learning model of based gender on students’ achievement at the environmental pollution material. The method was quasy-experimental using of 2 x 2 factorial. The population was all students at junior high school from Ketungau Tengah, Indonesia. The samples were 120 students from two separate schools which represented gender differently. The instrument using a multiple-choice test. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. The results of the descriptive analysis show that the average pre-test of achievement in the experimental and control classes both male and female genders have the same value category and post-test in the control classes have a different value category. The results of ANCOVA show that the learning model had a significant effect on achievement, while gender and the interaction of learning models and gender did not have a significant effect on achievement. Classes that use the JiRQA learning model have a higher and significantly different from conventional classes. Keywords: JiRQA learning, cooperative, gender, cognitive learning, biology students