We have developed and demonstrated high bandwidth Josephson circuits to interface the output of RSFQ circuits to room temperature electronics. Asynchronous dc powered voltage driver circuits have been designed to amplify RSFQ signal levels to voltage outputs in the 2-4 mV range, in a wide bandwidth. These driver circuits have been characterized and tested for data rates up to 8 Gb/s. The bit error rate for one of these drivers has been measured up to 7 Gb/s for a (2/sup 31/-1) bit long pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS). In order to match the data rate of Josephson circuits to slower room temperature electronics, we have developed clock-controlled shift registers which allow shift-in and shift-out of data at different frequencies. Complete functionality of these circuits integrated with the drivers has been demonstrated at low speed. Shift registers integrated with the voltage driver circuits have been tested at high-speed for data rates up to 6 Gb/s.