Klebsiella aerogenes urease uses a dinuclear nickel active site to catalyze urea hydrolysis at >1014-fold the spontaneous rate. To better define the enzyme mechanism, we examined the kinetics and structures for a suite of site-directed variants involving four residues at the active site: His320, His219, Asp221, and Arg336. Compared to wild-type urease, the H320A, H320N, and H320Q variants exhibit similar ∼10-5-fold deficiencies in rates, modest Km changes, and disorders in the peptide flap covering their active sites. The pH profiles for these mutant enzymes are anomalous with optima near 6 and shoulders that extend to pH 9. H219A urease exhibits 103-fold increased Km over that of native enzyme, whereas the increase is less marked (∼102-fold) in the H219N and H219Q variants that retain hydrogen bonding capability. Structures for these variants show clearly resolved active site water molecules covered by well-ordered peptide flaps. Whereas the D221N variant is only moderately affected compared to wild-type enzyme, D221A urease possesses low activity (∼10-3 that of native enzyme), a small increase in Km, and a pH 5 optimum. The crystal structure for D221A urease is reminiscent of the His320 variants. The R336Q enzyme has a ∼10-4-fold decreased catalytic rate with near-normal pH dependence and an unaffected Km. Phenylglyoxal inactivates the R336Q variant at over half the rate observed for native enzyme, demonstrating that modification of non-active-site arginines can eliminate activity, perhaps by affecting the peptide flap. Our data favor a mechanism in which His219 helps to polarize the substrate carbonyl group, a metal-bound terminal hydroxide or bridging oxo-dianion attacks urea to form a tetrahedral intermediate, and protonation occurs via the general acid His320 with Asp221 and Arg336 orienting and influencing the acidity of this residue. Furthermore, we conclude that the simple bell-shaped pH dependence of kcat and kcat/Km for the native enzyme masks a more complex underlying pH dependence involving at least four pKas.