Sleep quality is one's satisfaction with sleep, so that one does not feel tired, yawns often and is sleepy in the morning. Among others: sleep quality, sleep duration, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances at night, daytime sleep dysfunction, use of sleeping pills. The aim is to know the relationship between sleep quality and the incidence of anemia in pregnant women at the Jongaya Health Center, Makassar. This study used a cross sectional study method. The population was all anemic patients in pregnant women at the Jongaya Health Center, Makassar, as many as 51 respondents. The sampling technique uses nonprobability sampling. This research took 2 weeks to collect data in the form of questionnaires and interviews. Furthermore, the data was processed using a computer to determine Univariate and Bivariate analysis. Bivariate results with the Gamma Test p= 0.033> p= 0.05, so Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a relationship between sleep quality and the incidence of anemia in pregnant women at the Jongaya Health Center, Makassar City in 2019.