The Construction industry consumes a large amount of natural resources and energy. It is one of the main sources of waste generation and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The preparation and utilization of concrete have a great impact on climate change and environmental pollution. Environmental impact assessment of concrete is of prodigious importance in terms of accomplishing a sustainable society. Cement is a commonly used binding material for the preparation of concrete. The manufacture and utilization of cement in concrete are main responsible for GHG emission and climate change. In this research, to measure the environmental impact of concrete, the Life cycle assessment (LCA) model is prepared by using SimaPro 9.1 software and Ecoinvent database. Concrete is prepared with three different categories of binding materials like Portland cement (OPC), ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and portland pozzolana cement (PPC). Results indicate that, PPC and GGBS have greater impact on environment when compared to OPC.