A low-cost phased-array antenna at 10 GHz is presented for a scan angle of ±50°. The array employs continuously tunable phase shifters based on a screen printed barium-strontium-titanate thick-film ceramic. Due to the use of artificial transmission line topology, the proposed phase-shifter design has a very compact size (3 mm × 2.8 mm) for 342° total phase shift. In the frequency range from 8 to 10 GHz, it exhibits a figure of merit >;52°/dB, which is among the best of phase shifters based on ferroelectric thick films. In a prototyped phased array, the RF circuit consists of a feeding network, phase shifters, and antenna elements, which are integrated into one planar metallization layer. Furthermore, a simple way for routing bias lines for phase shifters is demonstrated using high resistive electrodes. Using screen printed thick films and applying a simplified fabrication process for the RF and bias circuitry can reduce the total expense of phased arrays considerably.