factors for lung cancer, and its association with the anticipated delay before seeking medical
care in a general population of Ilorin, Nigeria. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study
among 1125 adults in Ilorin, Nigeria. Lung cancer awareness measure (Lung CAM) was
administered face to face by trained interviewers. RESULTS: Respondents' lung CAM score
was low for warning signs and risk factors for lung cancer. Majority (62.9%) of respondents …
SETTING: Ilorin metropolis in the middle-belt region of Nigeria. OBJECTIVES: To determine
the awareness about warning signs and risk factors for lung cancer and the anticipated
delay before seeking medical care in the middle-belt population of Nigeria. DESIGN: This
was a cross-sectional study performed among 1125 adults. Lung cancer awareness
measure (Lung CAM) was administered face to face by trained interviewers. RESULTS: The
respondents' Lung CAM score was low for warning signs and risk factors for lung cancer …