André model (Ganeshan-Pixley-Das Sarma's model) with an unbounded quasiperiodic potential where the parameter| α|≥ 1. The Lyapunov exponent γ (E) and the mobility edges E c are exactly obtained for the unbounded quasiperiodic potential. With the Lyapunov exponent, we find that there exists a critical region in the parameter λ-E plane. The critical region consists of critical states. In comparison with localized and extended states, the …
In this work, we investigate the Anderson localization problems of the generalized Aubry-André model (Ganeshan-Pixley-Das Sarma's model) with an unbounded quasiperiodic potential where the parameter . The Lyapunov exponent and the mobility edges are exactly obtained for the unbounded quasiperiodic potential. With the Lyapunov exponent, we find that there exists a critical region in the parameter plane. The critical region consists of critical states. In comparison with localized and extended states, the fluctuation of spatial extensions of the critical states is much larger. The numerical results show that the scaling exponent of inverse participation ratio (IPR) of critical states . Furthermore, it is found that the critical indices of localized length for the bounded () case and for the unbounded () case. The above distinct critical indices can be used to distinguish the localized-extended from localized-critical transitions. At the end, we show that the systems with different for both cases of and can be classified by the Lyapunov exponent and Avila's quantized acceleration .