Academic Information System (AIS) has become a mandatory application for universities nowadays. AIS is an academic information system that was built to provide convenience to users in campus's academic administration activities by online. Therefore, AIS must be a system that has good service quality. The many software quality standards that exist today show the importance of achieving software quality. The purpose of this study is to evaluate FRS module's maintainability quality measurements results in myITS application which can be used as a reference in further development. Quality software information that can be measured such as the amount of functions, the amount of lines of code, complexity, the amount of errors, and trials used to support management planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling. The research methods used consist of reverse engineering, quality matrix analysis, system quality testing, and evaluation. This research focuses on maintainability quality standards based on ISO 25010. The results of this study stated that the FRS module in the myITS application has good maintainability quality, this is evidenced by the quality score of the myITS Lecturer at 2.670 and myITS Student at 2.083.