The Makecourse-Art is a makerspace designed to promote undergraduate students’ aesthetic design skills as well as functional design skills using an interdisciplinary team approach at the University of South Florida. To overcome the unique challenges of the Makecourse (earlier version) and to maximize students’ design efforts working on an engineering project in the classroom, the Makecourse-Art incorporated a flipped classroom model utilizing two instructional methods with corresponding activities. First, the explicit form of instruction is delivered through asynchronous video lectures/tutorials, including topics such as Arduino programming, CAD modeling with the Autodesk Maya, Mudbox, and coding skills. Second, interactive team-based classroom activities are offered to students based on student-centered learning theories such as peer-assisted collaborative learning and problem-based learning. In this paper, we present the design case of the Makecourse-Art with detailed descriptions of the components, and explain the key design decisions, obstacles during the design process, and how the challenges were resolved. In addition, we provide step-by-step examples of students’ engineering design experiences with visual images.