This study focuses on the initiatives by the local government that are reflecting the characteristics of the government to be innovative, able to seize opportunities, willing to take risks, and exercising discretion with respect to religious tolerance in Banten. This exploratory research explores how actors in government and in non-government exercised the initiatives on religious tolerance programs in the province regarding the politics of recognition that could be defined in terms of socio-cultural and socio-political perspectives that might help to provide a ‘big picture’of the existing intolerance issue. Stigma, labels, and stereotypes have always become difficult challenges to address when it comes to various initiatives advocating religious tolerance in Indonesia. The work and the scale of the authorized government units within the province and other related non-profit based organizations is a high-risk work. The high level of sensitivity and the potential conflict that may be created by false perceptions of such initiatives on the issue makes all the stakeholders must find innovative ways of working all the time, the whole time by considering multi-layered aspects of religious tolerance impacts namely politics, socio-economic and socio-culture approaches interconnectedly. Most of the time, the ability to seize the opportunity, over struggling the meaning of recognition, is needed. The opportunity to create a join-up program involving private and social community groups in creating a greater understanding of religious tolerance services is vital. Also, all the stakeholders need to exercise a certain level of discretion working on this issue. It might be worthwhile to develop frameworks of paying developing multi-lenses forums of religious tolerance to facilitate public hearing centers as a product of the join-up programs. A qualitative approach was chosen to provide insights into the issue by combining non-participant observation, narratives interviews, and small group discussions. This research will analyze how multi-layered aspects of politics of recognition can be found in the work of all the stakeholders in the initiatives on advocating religious tolerance in Banten.