There are two ways to measure the success value estimation of AR technology based on mobile application. The first method is through the user opinions that will analyze the effect of AR usage on user directly. The second method is measuring the accuracy of the object virtual display that has many challenges to overcome. One of the problems that must be solved is to get appropriate measurement results for the virtual object to seem as perfect as the real object. Therefore, the various variable of measurement is required to ensure that objects created by AR technology in a mobile application are correct. This research purpose a reference to the measurement of object virtual accuracy by detecting the image marker from the point appropriately. Three components of image marker measured are finding the distance of the camera to the object, camera angle position, and impact of camera lens obstacle. The results of this research indicate the right position of the mobile device camera so virtual objects will be seen perfectly. The virtual object can be displayed if the camera distances are about 5-100 cm and the angles of the camera start from 300 to 900 with a maximum value of obstacle blocking the object is about 25%.