The present study is focused on the analysis of some geometric characteristics regarding meandering and braiding of the middle-lower part of the Ganga River at different axes. The middle-lower part of the Ganga River is the study reach and it ranges from Bhagalpur to Jangipur. The methods that applied in this study are: braid-channel ratio, sinuosity index and different parameters of maximum asymmetry. The relationship between the relative bend-entry curvature or channel width ratio and relative bend curvature is very strong and positive. The relationship between bend-entry curvature and meander wavelength is positive along with the positive relationship between relative bend curvature and meander wavelength. In the study reach sinuosity ranges from 1.08 to 1.90 and braid-channel ratio ranges from 1.21 to 4.26. The sinuosity index and range of sinuosity are not very high compared to the braid-channel ratio and its range. Statistically the relation between sinuosity and the braid-channel ratio is negative but the value is not significant in the reach. Hence, the channel lies in between the sinuous-braided structure or the meander-braided structure in the study reach.