source of the rare proton-rich stable p nuclei. However, current γ-process models remain insufficient in describing the observed p-nuclei abundances, with disagreements up to two orders of magnitude. A sensitivity study has identified 111 In as a model-sensitive (γ, p)/(γ, n) branching point within the γ process. Constraining the involved reaction rates may have a significant impact on the predicted p-nuclei abundances. Here we report on measurements …
The process is an explosive astrophysical scenario, which is thought to be the primary source of the rare proton-rich stable nuclei. However, current -process models remain insufficient in describing the observed -nuclei abundances, with disagreements up to two orders of magnitude. A sensitivity study has identified as a model-sensitive branching point within the process. Constraining the involved reaction rates may have a significant impact on the predicted -nuclei abundances. Here we report on measurements of the cross sections for , and reactions for proton laboratory energies 3–8 MeV using the high efficiency total absorption spectrometer and the -summing technique. These measurements were used to constrain Hauser-Feshbach parameters used in talys 1.9, which constrains the and reaction rates. The newly constrained reaction rates indicate that the branching point occurs at a temperature of , well within the temperature range relevant to the process. These findings differ significantly from previous studies and may impact the calculated abundances.