The magnetic field at median plane of SCC Magnet (Peak field 5.8 T) is measured over its operating range and upto 29 inch radius. The magnetic field is mapped at radial interval of 0.1 inch and angular interval of 1 degree. The complete map of 360 degree comprised of about 100K field points is obtained in less than 100 minutes. The field mapping system (MFM) is designed to minimise mapping time and human intervention. The control & data acquisition (DAQ) software (s/w) is developed to work as PC based TCP Client-Server mode to reduce the design complexity, system overload and debugging effort. The Server program is developed as windows console in ‘C’and the Client is developed using LabView to provide a user friendly operation console along with online preliminary display and analysis of field data. This architecture provides a reliable and easily modifiable control s/w. The correctness of the magnet assembly is calculated from the acquired data, which inturn represents the correctness of measurement system. A detailed study of the magnet characteristic is done. The first harmonics of the fields at different radii are obtained at all magnet excitation and corrected by coil-centering and shims placement. This paper also describes the major activities made during field mapping.