This study analyses the determinants of both the decision to remit money and the total remittances by Nigerian migrants. The study distinguishes itself from other existing migration studies in Nigeria by focusing on the microeconomic determinants of remittances from both the sending and receiving end. A recent and richer remittances survey data for Nigeria by the World Bank is used to extend the analysis to both internal and international migration. Tobit and Heckit’s models were used in the analyses. The empirical findings indicate that duration of the migrant in the country of residence, household asset, household size, living in OECD, highest level of education attained before migration, being male, being a son, daughter or father to the head of the household, and type of employment have statistically significant positive impact on both the probability of remitting and the amount of remittances sent by the migrant to the household. These findings vary significantly by the country of current residence of the migrants. All these suggest that the future inflow of remittances to Nigeria would largely depend on the migrant country of destination, level of education prior to migration, and the type of work done by the migrants in the country of current residence. The work situation of the migrant may in turn depend on the macroeconomic conditions in the country of residence.