The design, modeling, fabrication and characterization of a silicon/bulk PZT micro machined piezoelectric device are presented. Our miniature device (2.30 cm²× 3mm) consists in 4 micromachined cantilevers made on Silicon substrate sharing the same proof mass. The cantilevers can be used in series or parallel. Each cantilever is a stack of a bulk-PZT ceramic glued on crystal silicon. The frequency can be adjusted easily by tuning the tungsten proof mass from 160 mg to 4 g. Our design permits to produce a sufficient amount of electrical power along with a usable voltage (> 1 V) under only 1 ms-2 (50 Hz-90 Hz) which is the vibration level of commercial aircraft mechanical structure. Our design permits to obtain a very good wideband over max electrical power output tradeoff given the vibration spectrum. The fabrication relies on standard MEMS processes. Finally, characterizations under shaker show that we can generate 3.20 µW (1.26 V through a load resistance of 500 kΩ) under 1 ms-2 at 77 Hz, 14 µW (2.64 V) under 2 ms-2 at 76 Hz. Using a new proposed figure of merit, the device compares favorably to other characterized devices in the literature.