The study of human behaviour response to Middle Holocene climate changes in South America is a growing field of inquiry in archaeology. Currently, a significant body of knowledge on the topic has emerged due to several factors, such as the application of new theoretical approaches, the study of new cases and the development of new methodologies by using several proxies for paleoclimatic reconstruction and to the documentation of behavioural change in archaeological record. The importance of this period relies on the fact that it represents a time of notable climatic and environmental changes recorded through the ecological mosaic of South America. At the continental scale, a period of increasing temperature and aridity known as the “Hypsithermal” occurred, that was characterized by variations expressed at regional and local scales. It is particularly during the Middle Holocene that these changes affected the dynamics of human occupations, impacting on the behavioural patterns which have prevailed in the Early Holocene. These changes constitute the ongoing processes that influenced human adaptations in the Late Holocene. In this context, a diversity of new adaptive responses has emerged throughout the Middle Holocene, ranging from subsistence strategies, settlement patterns, and social organization to the restructuring of populations. Thus, with the aim to discuss these topics, in October 2010, during the XVIIth National Congress of Argentine Archaeology, held at the Universidad Nacional de Mendoza, Argentina, updated contributions were presented at the session n 22 “Ocupaciones Humanas durante el