Faster growth of infrastructure emphasizes the utilization of eco-friendly construction materials with a low carbon footprint. The objective of this experimental study is to propose a mix design methodology for self-compacting geopolymer concrete (SCGC) considering various influencing parameters recommended for self-compacting concrete (SCC) and geopolymer concrete (GPC). The experimental test results depict that SCGC had similar flow deformability with comparatively lesser flow speed compared to SCC. The increase in a sodium hydroxide (NaOH) molarity from 8 M to 16 M negatively affected the flow deformability as well as the flow speed of SCGC. The optimum compressive strength of 37 MPa was attained for SCGC having silica sand as fine aggregate, NaOH concentration of 16 M, fly ash to sand ratio (FA/S) of 0.75, and cured for 48 H at 80 °C. A mathematical equation is proposed to calculate Young's modulus of SCGC which is around 15 GPa. Young's modulus of SCGC was lesser than OPC concrete recommended by the ACI 318, however, Poisson's ratio of SCGC was found in the recommended range of OPC concrete. A flow chart is proposed for the mix design of SCGC with consideration of experimental test results in fresh and hardened stages.