One of the fisheries resources with big potential and high economic value is skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). Skipjack tuna is a valuable commercial fish, sold fresh, frozen, or processed as canned fish, dried fish, or smoked fish. The study aims to analyze a model of increasing the production of skipjack with employing variables of social and economic aspects on Buhung Pitue Island. The analytical method used in this research was the inferential statistical analysis using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) approach. Respondents were 270 fishermen who caught skipjack tuna on Buhung Pitue Island, Indonesia. The results showed that the average profit of fishermen in the peak season was IDR 41,812,500, while the regular season was IDR 23,062,500. Meanwhile, the average of fishing trip was at around 16 days to 20 days per trip. The results of the hypothesis analysis show that there are two unproven hypotheses, namely the H2 hypothesis (the mediating variable did not significantly influence the increase of skipjack tuna fishing production in the Buhung Pitoe Island), and hypothesis H6 regarding social factor variables. Futhermore, a model of the relationship between fisherman characteristics and catch output through economic considerations could be inferred for enhancing skipjack tuna production in the Buhung Pitoe Island.