We report on a neuromuscular model of the mantis Tenodera sinensis, created to investigate the role of sensory information in posture control during hunting. Mantises track moving prey with movements of the head and prothorax and rotations of the body by the middle and hind legs. Our model abstracts vision to the relative position of the “prey”. When a visual cue is simulated, the angle between the cue and the actual head orientation is encoded as a neural signal. This initiates a cascade of head, prothorax and body rotations to center the prey in the visual field. Our model has 27 active degrees of freedom; six joints per leg for the middle and hind legs, two joints (pitch and yaw) at the prothorax, and one at the neck. Each joint is actuated by a pair of antagonistic muscles and controlled by conductance-based nonspiking neuron models. Desired body orientation is mapped to the joint controllers, allowing simple descending commands to drive more complicated lower-level adjustments. Our model uses its legs to adjust its thorax, which in turn adjusts the head while tracking prey. It provides a plausible prey tracking neural structure, and is a simple-to-manipulate platform to further investigate tracking behavior.