This paper analyzes the influence and predictive effects of knowledge management on job satisfaction. The aim of this paper is to develop a model based on the effects of knowledge management on job satisfaction. The data were obtained by interviewing 520 managers of all levels from manufacturing enterprises in Serbia. The results showed that knowledge management has a complex influence on job satisfaction. It negatively affects the dimensions of Salary, Promotion, and Supervision and positively influences the Additional Benefits dimension, while having combined effects on the other dimensions. In a working environment where knowledge management levels are high, employees may perceive their salaries, rewards, and promotion opportunities as inadequate. This is because they feel they deserve more due to their knowledge, ability, engagement, and the enterprise's success. Serbian enterprises are often unable to pay their employees higher salaries. The theoretical importance of the results is precisely in the fact that the individual relations of the observed dimensions are determined and that the desired model is developed. The practical significance of the work is that leaders and managers, based on these relations, can see the possibilities and ways to improve certain aspects of knowledge management and job satisfaction.