The neurosurgical method of deep brain stimulation (DBS) is used to treat symptoms of movement disorders like Parkinson's disease by implanting stimulation electrodes in deep brain areas. The aim of this study was to examine the field distribution in DBS and the role of heterogeneous and anisotropic material properties in the brain areas where stimulation is applied. Finite element models of the human brain were developed comprising tissue heterogeneity and anisotropy. The tissue data were derived from averaged magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging datasets. Unilateral stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) was computed using an accurate model of an electrode used in clinical treatment of DBS extended with an encapsulation layer around the electrode body. Computations of anisotropic and isotropic brain models, which consider resistive tissue properties for unipolar and bipolar electrode configurations, were carried out. Electrode position was varied within an area around the stimulation center. Results have shown a deviation of 2 % between anisotropic and isotropic field distributions in the vicinity of the STN. The sensitivity of this deviation referring to the electrode position remained small, but increased when the electrode position approached areas of high anisotropy.