This paper presents a preliminary study of the analysis of organic residues of Early and Middle Jomon pottery and ‘charred remains.’Samples are taken from the Sannai Maruyama site and the Sannai Maruyama No. 9 site in Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture in northern Japan. The following questions are addressed in this study:(i) Do organic residues survive in association with pottery vessels and charred remains?(ii) Can the residues be identified based on molecular and isotopic criteria applied in other investigations?(iii) Are the residues associated with the charred remains common to the residues associated with the pottery vessels?(iv) How do these residues contribute to our understanding of food processing and consumption? Results of our analysis indicate that the lipid composition of the pottery extracts is remarkably similar although some of the sherds exhibited better preservation and a wider range of molecules were detected albeit in lower abundance. There is a marked contrast with the composition of the lipid extracts of the ‘charred remains.’The lipid compositions of sample sets from Sannai Maruyama and Sannai Maruyama No. 9 suggest aquatic resources in the pottery but with a plant contribution. The ‘charred remains’ from Sannai Maruyama contain plant tissues most likely with a high starch composition such as nuts. Lipids were recovered from the majority of the samples.