An integrated water and wastewater project has been initiated in 1996 to protect the groundwater resources and the seawater quality in Antalya, Turkey. The project includes wastewater collection, treatment and disposal by a long and deep sea outfall. A seawater quality-monitoring program has been launched around the sea outfall in 1999. The program comprised in situ measurement and lab analyses of the shore and offshore seawater quality parameters such as temperature, salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, Secchi depth, nitrogen and phosphorous compounds, chlorophyll-a, biochemical oxygen demand, total and fecal coliforms. The monitoring results have shown that the seawater quality complies well with the Turkish standards in spite of the occasionally observed relatively high concentrations of pollutants. Additionally, the monitoring results have shown spatial and temporal changes of some parameters such as the vertical seawater density profile and Secchi depth which cause considerable changes in the initial and far field dilutions of the discharged effluents.