The testicular measurement is important criteria for experimental researches especially in toxicological studies and the prediction of spermatogenesis. In light of this knowledge, we aimed to estimate and compare these parameters in two different kinds of cattle breeds. The gross anatomical measurements were performed by vernier caliper, volume of the testis was estimated by Cavalieri method and seminiferous tubule diameter was measured on the histological sections by software-loaded computer attached to microscope. The mean testis weight, length, width, volume, and tubule diameter of the Simmental bulls and the Holstein bulls measured as 316 g, 12.1 cm, 6.9 cm, 295 cm3 and 226.68 µm and 299 g, 12.1 cm, 6.8 cm, 285 cm3 and 223.44 µm, respectively. In conclusion all investigated parameters were not found statistically important in groups and between the breeds (p> 0.05). The authors believed that the obtained data will contribute to the literature and facilitate future research.