The use of mole crabs Hippa genus for food diversification and side income of coastal community in Indonesia is not yet a viable option, until recently. Therefore, more studies regarding the enormous potential of sand crabs Hippa genus are needed. This study aimed to thoroughly identify the morphologic aspect of three species of Hippa genus namely Hippa marmorata, Hippa ovalis, and Hippa celaeno and to conduct a nutrient analysis of those mole crabs species. The data collection was conducted in Silale Village, Ambon City in Maluku Province, Indonesia, in May 2019. For morphologic analysis, allometry analysis was used in this study. Whereas, for the proximate test, we used AOAC method to identify the composition of Hippa genus based on two treatment scenarios; the first one was a raw form (pre-processing), and the second one was fried mole crab (post-processing). The result of the study showed that all Hippa species have a linear relationship on growth based on morphometry analysis; while proximate analysis showed that mole crabs Hippa genus have rich amount of nutrition which makes mole crabs Hippa genus a potential alternative for a quality meal and economic sources. The implication of the study is to shed some light on true and great potential of Hippa genus to be used as diversification meal, an alternative source of nutrient, and revenue for the local coastal community especially in Maluku Province, as well as Indonesia in general.